Debby Heath Psychotherapy and Counselling

0432 941 237

Bella Vista, Sydney

"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen"

Brene Brown


What can I expect in the initial assessment session?

The initial session provides an opportunity:

  • To discuss your reasons for seeking counselling or psychotherapy in the context of both your history and present situation and clarify what you’re hoping to gain from therapy.
  • For you to get a sense of how I work and for us to assess our compatibility to work in a way that aligns with your therapeutic goals.
  • To assess whether there are any additional support systems you may need going forward.

How long does therapy take?

The amount of time you choose to invest in your therapy journey is influenced by various factors: what you want to explore, your life circumstances and the support systems around you.

If you’re navigating a recent loss or looking to work through a specific situation, counselling or short-term psychotherapy might be sufficient. For those wanting to understand and change deeper, unconscious patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour that stem from complex experiences, like childhood trauma, you may benefit more from a longer-term psychotherapy.

Perhaps you’re on a journey of self-discovery, aiming for authenticity in your connections with yourself and others – psychotherapy might be the best option for you.

No matter what has brought you to counselling or psychotherapy, you can trust that we’ll frequently touch base on your progress. Therapy is a collaborative process and together we’ll work towards ending once you’ve reached your therapeutic goals.

What are the benefits of weekly sessions?

  • Consistency and stability – the regularity helps establish a sense of predictability and structure.  You know that’s your time each week to do your inner work in therapy.
  • Continuity of progress – weekly sessions allow for a continuous exploration and processing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  This consistent engagement supports the ongoing progress and integration of insights gained during therapy.
  • Emotional support – regular sessions provide a reliable space for individuals to express and explore their emotions.  This consistent emotional support can be particularly valuable during challenging times, helping clients navigate difficulties and develop healthy coping strategies.
  • Building a therapeutic relationship – the therapeutic relationship is a key factor in the effectiveness of both counselling and psychotherapy.  Weekly sessions offer the opportunity to build and strengthen this relationship over time, fostering trust and collaboration between the client and therapist.
  • Depth of exploration – with weekly sessions, individuals can delve deeper into underlying patterns and dynamics.  This depth of exploration can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of oneself and contribute to lasting positive changes.
  • Skill development – regular sessions provide a consistent space for the development and practice of healthy coping skills, communication strategies, and other tools learned in counselling and psychotherapy.  Over time, individuals can integrate these skills into their daily lives more effectively..
  • Integration of insights – weekly sessions allow for the integration of insights gained in therapy into daily life.  This ongoing process supports the application of new perspectives, behaviours, and coping strategies outside the therapeutic setting.

Whist weekly sessions offer numerous advantages, it’s important to note that the frequency of therapy may vary based on individual needs and circumstances.

Why is psychotherapy usually a long-term process?

Long-term psychotherapy is especially beneficial for healing trauma due to several key factors:

  • Establishing trust and safety – interpersonal trauma can erode a person’s ability to trust others. Long-term psychotherapy provides a consistent and safe space to build trust, fostering a secure therapeutic relationship over time.
  • Exploration of complex trauma – interpersonal trauma, especially when rooted in childhood experiences, can be complex and layered. Long-term psychotherapy allows for a more in-depth exploration of these complexities, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes and patterns.
  • Safety through pacing – long-term therapy provides the necessary time to allow for titrated processing of trauma, reducing the risk of re-traumatisation.
  • Development of healthy coping strategies – over time, individuals can acquire and integrate healthier ways of managing triggers and regulating intense emotions related to interpersonal trauma.
  • Building emotional regulation – helping people identify, understand and develop their capacity to manage intense emotions related to the trauma.
  • Addressing complex relational patterns – interpersonal trauma can impact the way we relate to others. Long-term therapy facilitates a deeper understand and the gradual integration of healthier ways of relating.
  • Integration and empowerment – long-term psychotherapy supports the integration of the traumatic experiences into the person’s overall life narrative. Through this process, one can regain a sense of empowerment and a more cohesive sense of self.

Whilst short-term interventions can be effective for certain things, the nuanced and multifaceted nature of interpersonal trauma often benefits from the extended support and exploration provided by long-term psychotherapy.

Ready to connect?

Call me on 0432 941 237 or send a message via the contact form, so we can have a FREE 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your therapy needs and schedule an initial assessment session.